Shorthorn Marketing Company Premium Quality Beef All suppliers must be members of The Shorthorn Marketing Company Ltd. R All suppliers must be approved under the Beef and Lamb Quality Assurance Scheme(BLQAS). i All animals supplied through the scheme must comply with terms and conditions pertaining at time of slaughter. n All animals must be classed as SH or SHX on their National Animal Passport. ABP Food Group Plc will pay an agreed bonus of 15cents above the base price on the day of slaughter. In addition to QPS grid payments. q This bonus only applies to steers and heifers under 30 months of age. Weight range from 230 kgs to 380 kgs. Confirmation: U+,U=,U-,R+,R=, R-, O+, O= All cattle must be booked in at least 30 days in advance. Fat Class: 2+, 3, 4-, 4=, 4+